Thursday 19 September 2013

Meet Bethany!

So last night I was on YouTube for quite a while watching 'tags' and I came across Zoella (see her channel here) who did a tag with her brother and called it "The Sibling Tag". Therefore, I thought it might be good to introduce everyone to my younger sister, Bethany, by doing a similar video. 
It was soooooo fun to film because we had such a laugh.. and as you'll see on the video below, we just kept laughing all the time!

So why not get to know me and my sister better? 
Watch the video here.

Sending love your way x

Tuesday 10 September 2013

AmeriCamp Application!

So I finally got around to sorting out my AmeriCamp Application video and oh my gosh, it took me days! Some people said it took them a few hours but I was being very thorough, plus with all the shoots I had to do because I was laughing to much, it just took forever!

Well here's the video and I do hope you enjoy!

If I manage to get a place in a camp next summer, I will definitely be taking of vlogging as well because I think an experience like this will definitely need to be documented, taped and photographed therefore, I will be doing them all! One day, I do hope to travel America and I have numerous ideas of how I'm going to raise money to travel and go to camp this summer so keep checking this for tips and ideas on personal fundraising!

Oh and what's an application video without a few bloopers (prepare to LOL)...

Sending love your way x

Sunday 8 September 2013

Camp Compare!

If you follow me on Twitter or read the blog post I posted last night, you'll know I am applying to work at a camp in America next summer. I'd heard about Camp America whilst I was in sixth form, then last year a meeting was held at my university about it but for the past couple of years, I've considered applying to go and work during summer overseas.

So I thought next summer, 2014, would be the perfect opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and travel to America! So with the thought of travelling to America in mind, I began googling (and we all do love a good google!) about all the different companies which do the cultural exchange programme to summer camps. Originally, I only knew about Camp America as they are the most well-known but after researching I have found out about CCUSA, BUNAC, Camp Leaders, AmeriCamp and more. Now if your reading this looking for advice on who to go with, you have to decide who is better for you.

Some things you ought to consider when looking for the right company are: how much does each company charge for their services? How much will you earn whilst your out there? What is included in the charges? What is the application process like? And most importantly, who is the most trustworthy? Now, by this time you might be thinking OMG?! Why do I think about all this? I thought they did it all.. Well, once you've chose a company, all is well and its pretty stress-free and your chosen company will help you along the way.
Well to answer all those questions above and possibly more, click here, this Save The Student site I found very useful when asking all those questions and putting all those things into perspective. 

So at the company which came out on top for me, when considering anything, is AmeriCamp!

Now, AmeriCamp wins it for me because overall, you end up earning something from working abroad for 9 weeks. Which for me, is a big deal because I'm a student and what do students not have a lot of? MONEY! We need all the money we can get therefore, the wages from this make it worth my while. If possible, I'd love to travel some of America after camp but I also want to go on a summer holiday with my friends so I'm passing on travelling America next summer and instead, getting a holiday fund jar and SAVING! I'm planning on getting one of those saving jars which you have to break to get into therefore, I can't touch any of my holiday fund and will get to travel after graduation in 2015.

I am just loving life at the moment!

So why don't you join the AmeriCamp revolution with me?

Sending love your way x

Unveiled, updated!

Its been over five months since my last post.. Oh my gosh! Its long overdue and I could sit here telling you I've been busy and that I've not had time but in all fairness, I've just been uninterested in my blog. I sometimes feel overwhelmed with the criticism that I get from this blog, claiming I'm copying or whatever but in reality, the motives for this blog are just to share my thoughts, try something new and keep up-to-date with family whilst at university.

So what's new with me I hear you ask? Well...

1) I've successfully made it onto second year at university.
Yayyy! Your first year at university may not count for anything but I still tried as hard as possible to get a good base understanding of the work load and what was expected of me. Therefore, I am ABSOLUTELY thrilled to say I've made it onto second year (I'm glad because I'd probs wanna commit if I had to stay at home)! First year has left me wondering about how things are going to change in second year but at the moment (even looking at my timetable), it looks like its going to be a good year! Bring of re-freshers!

2) I've been working as a casual bartender at Castle Park, Doncaster's Rugby Club.
I decided that summer was the time to get a part-time job and earn some dosh to help me socialise and not become a hermit! Well, before even coming home for summer I had a phonecall of the Rugby Club saying they'd received my CV and wanted me in for an interview as soon as I was home. I was so pleased! And, its worked out so well for me.. I've had a substantial amount of shifts working on the bar for functions and rugby matches (mmm rugby players!). Although summer is now coming to an end I have been assured that when I'm home for holidays like Christmas and Easter, I can just throw my supervisor a text and she could equip me with some shifts to tide me over. However, working behind a bar has taught me a few things: 1) there are soooooo many more alcoholic beverages than I originally thought; 2) I really cannot lip read when trying to take someone's drink order over the DJs music; and 3) my feet really cannot hack ten hour shifts!

3) I've passed both my QTS skills tests in Literacy and Numeracy!!
This means one thing.. I am well on my way to becoming a primary school teacher! Previously, I'd helped my auntie revise for hers and having done A-Levels in them both, I was all that nervous about taking them (although the exam room was pretty scary). But, I never want to do mental maths again!!! Way too stressful!

4) I've spent a lot of time with my hometown friends.
As I am living on a student budget from the Government, I don't really get to see my friends from home all that often whilst at university therefore during summer I have made a conscious effort to see them regularly. I have had nearly weekly sleepover with Chloe and been out into town on numerous occasions (spending my hard earned wages haha).

Some photo's from the summer (seen as though you've not been updated in a while):

Well weren't those last photo's.... Attractive :|

5) I have decided to apply to camp in America!
Travelling is something that has been playing on my mind a lot recently but I'm facing a few dilemmas: 1) I don't really have a friend who wants to go with me or their busy; and 2) it is quite expensive to just jet off and travel. However, I have thought about doing Camp America for the past one/two years so I thought what the heck? Let's just apply and see if I even get chosen as I know application numbers are high. But, before I decided to apply I researched and researched.... and researched! and found that the company which allows you to actually earn some money from working overseas rather than losing out is AmeriCamp! So I have started my application and once I make my application video, I'll be sure to post a copy on here (no matter how embarrassing) and let you decide whether I ought to be chosen for camp.

6) I've become a right couch potato!
While the summer weather has been pretty much non-existent, I have become obsessed with television! I love tv and films anyway but this summer has increased my love even more as I have come across phenomenal series which have left me gasping for more. You may think I'm way behind the bandwagon but I've watch all six seasons of LOST.. One word: A-MAY-ZING! I'm now even re-watching them alongside my mother (I really have become a LOST expert). I've caught up with all the series that are aired in America first: Teen Wolf, Revolution, Bones, New Girl, Criminal Minds and 90210.. All of which I am now in time for the next seasons to air... I'm going to be a really unsociable person this year aren't I...

Sending love your way x

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