Sunday 17 February 2013

Looking into the past: Younger Years

These next few posts will be heavily picture based! Recently I've been looking over my old photo's and videos and they really have been making me smile. Some of them are real classics and I wanted to share them as you can see how much I've changed in the past 18 years. This post will be based on the first years of my life, when I was a toddler, a few from my primary school years and the rest will be the first few years of secondary. Looking over all these photos.. I can't believe how much I've changed and how much I've been through.
Now this is the first professional photo of me and my mum absolutely loves this! She says that herself and my grandma were virtually standing on their heads to try and make me smile but I wasn't having any of it. The funny thing is that this is a perfect replica of my sarcasm face which I use now.. If you know me you'll know what I'm on about.. my "what are you doing" face haha.

Casually dressing up.. over my pj's haha.. Like you do.

Oh and there's the "what are you doing" face again.. Clearly I don't really like smiling!
Me, Beth and Molly - and can I just point you to my hair -- ITS BLONDE AND STRAIGHT - this is natural.

Me and Molly - bridesmaids at my auntie and uncles wedding.. How sweet :)
While at Hollowford in Year 6 on our residential trip.. Me tackling the rock climbing wall ;) haha
These are some of the photos from Florida 2005
Its a cute story really.. My mum planned the whole holiday without me and my sister knowing. We were aware that my auntie and uncle were going as I was planning to take care of their dog. So the night before we were due to fly my mum made me complete my maths homework and for some reason, both me and my sister were sleeping on the floor in my mums room. So the next morning, my mum woke us up like normal but as me and beth thought it was school we both went "nooo.. just five more minutes" which then lead my mum to reply with "don't you want to go to Florida then?".. Then me and Beth were up like a flash! Haha

So there all the photos from my younger years.. The next few posts will go year by year up until now :)

Hope you enjoyed laughing at me when I was younger! 


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