Sunday 27 May 2012

The end of an era

Like others, I have been in school for 14 (or in my case 15) years of my life. Now, I can officially say I am only attending sixth form to sit my exams: no more lessons, no more free periods and no more chatting with people in the common room I wouldn't on a daily basis. It really does feel like the end of an era.
I feel old having to say I've been through nursery, primary, secondary and sixth form now. I am pleased that I have managed to complete them all and just got the final (hardest) hurdle of A-level exams to go. People are always going on about how your school days are the best days of your life, well I believe this now and glad I didn't mess up my experiences.
Doncaster, well England in general, is known for pretty crap weather. But, the past week, we have had heaps of glorious sunshine and scorching temperatures! And when we have sunshine, we make the most of it.

Thursday 24th
Me and Chloe - Lollies in the sunshine - Friends since Year 2
Thursdays and Fridays have been good days for me all year. I have had timetabled one lesson per day all year and they both aren't until the afternoon; so all year I have had a decent end to the week.

Well, Thursday was easily 20°C or more so we felt the need at dinner to have a slight refreshment. One of my very awesome friends, Harley, is a fully qualified driver and very kindly drove us to Iceland to buy some lollies. We got a great deal; 10 orange ice lollies for £1 (10p a lolly!), there were only five of us so got 2 lollies each - much needed - the calories were also checked, 49kcal per lolly. A good investment!

Friday 25th - The Last Day
Although I had no lesson until early afternoon, me and my friends agreed to go into school first thing in the morning as a goodbye because it was our last day. It was a non-uniform day as well which made the day and the sun even more enjoyable as we weren't restricted (everyone was so summery).

Chris and Ashleigh

Chloe and Me (look at that blue sky!)

Me and Harley - love her!
We spent most of the day outside sitting at picnic benches just chatting away about summer, university and memories of school. It may sound boring but it was so good. It has become a tradition that on year 13 leavers day, the year 13s play pranks of the school, other pupils and teachers; well our year wasn't about to break that tradition. Pranks begun with sofa's from the common room being taken outside (good job it wasn't raining) and used as normal seats (this generally happens every year). Later on in the day, by period 4, year 13s had ventured out to the shops and returned with water guns of all shapes and sizes. We anticipated a BIG water fight.
We were right to anticipate a big water fight and that was exactly what happened. Water was squirting everywhere: over our heads, from behind or straight in the face. We managed to sit right in the middle of the "war zone" and ended up getting wet every so often but was dry in a matter of seconds. Teachers were shot at with water guns and bombarded with water bottles and bombs; from sociology teachers to heads of year.

As expected, the lads in our year took the fight to a whole new level as brought back eggs and flour. Oh no, we were not ready for this. Eggs flew over heads hitting students cars, benches but thankfully not people. Flour was poured over someones car (a brand new mini) covering the top and unfortunately, their windows were open so the flour also coated the inside with a layer of flour. I felt slightly sorry for the car owner. It would've been worse though if they added water or eggs to the flour so it would stick..

By the end of dinner, outside literally looked like a bomb had gone off. There was empty water bottles sprawled all over the ground, the remnants of cracked eggs and desecrated flour packets. A teacher entered the common room all guns blazing as her car had accidentally been egged and our head of year was forced to clean it up as all the culprits of the egg 'war' has conveniently vanished.

I can't believe its time to say goodbye to my school days; but I have prom and leavers service to get through once these exams are over and done with. Roll on the 21st of June when my last exam is (night on the town is in order).
Onwards and upwards though. Hopefully making it to university to study Primary Education and then onto my working life!


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