Sunday 7 October 2012

Edge Hill Freshers!

I know its been quite some time since I last posted up and if your family/friends you'll be wanting to know how my first 2 weeks at uni has been going. Well, in a nutshell, its been awesome! This is such a new experience for me; living away from home and fending for myself, well in my opinion, I've been doing a pretty damn good job!

Firstly, lets discuss freshers week; a week full of partying and meeting new people.. Basically, just like my Kos holiday, just without the sunshine.

Monday 24th September
UV Paint Glow Party

From the name of this night you can probably guess what this was; its was a biggg glow party (thankfully, I had a little UV paint leftover from holiday too). It was held in the campus' own club 'The Venue' which was fully packed and for small people (like myself) it was pretty hard to move so if you have a major problem with claustrophobia, I would recommend not attending one of these. This was different from the one on holiday as instead of just painting your face with paint, they actually had paint canons! Yes, I know, pretty big deal, and they were! If you were aiming to keep yourself relatively clean, these did not. Paint just covered you from head to toe!




Absolutely covered.. Thankfully, we returned back to halls relatively early to take numerous showers!

Tuesday 25th September
Jameela Jamil

The title is explanatory in itself really; Jameela Jamil, the T4 presenter and Radio 1 DJ came to DJ at 'The Venue'. Like many of your reading this, you'll all be like, who is she? Shes not very big.. and stuff like that but she was a good DJ. However, compared to the previous night 'The Venue' was pretty empty but on the other hand, it was nice to be able to move and have room to boogie!

Wednesday 26th September
Freshers Fair

Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures at the freshers fair because I had to fit it in around my introductory lectures into my course but I can tell you what it was like. I heard what freshers fairs are like before going to this so I was eagerly anticipating all the free goodies and seeing all the societies and clubs Edge Hill had to offer me. It did not disappoint.

During the day I managed to sign up to the NUT (National Union of Teachers), which was something I had to do as a trainee teacher; I registered with the doctor in Ormskirk (although, I don't know where the doctors surgery actually is haha); I got a lot of free stuff like food, stress balls and pens haha. Onto the clubs and societies then.. Well I was quite surprised at the amount of societies there were and what they ranged from, some of them were really bizarre. To start with, there were the stereotypical societies like cooking, animé and political parties.. But there were also strange ones like Philosotea (they philosophise while drinking tea), Women's Rights and the Dr Who society (I do enjoy Dr Who and watch it when its on, but I'm not sad enough to actually join the society.. as Mum would ask haha). However, I did join the Edge Hill Cheerleaders :) - I am sooo excited about this, I've always enjoyed gymnastics and did dabble in a bit in my younger days but cheer leading is something definitely created to keep you fit and learning the skills required like jumps, gymnastics and stunts is just all part of the package. I've already been to 2 training sessions with the Edge Hill cheerleaders and although they absolutely killed my muscles as I'm not used to the intense exercise, I will be going back and hopefully attending their socials they have every Wednesday! Also, my flatmate, Kitty, got me signed up for the climbing/hiking society.. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of hiking, but climbing was a little too far.

I'm excited for all the opportunities I'm getting here at Edge Hill as back home in Doncaster I would have never felt comfortable doing all the exercise I am doing because of my worries about weight and things. Hopefully now I will return to my original size I was 2/3 years ago, that was the perfect size for me.

Thursday 27th September
Ormskirk Town Takeover: Emergency Services Fancy Dress

Oh yes, we had one of those good old-fashioned dressing up events. I love dressing up as most of my family and friends will know from previous birthday parties and things. This was going to be a great event for me.. I'd already purchased an outfit for it in anticipation before arriving at Edge Hill so I was prepared. It was a good night that we all thoroughly enjoyed and we will definitely be heading into Ormskirk for another night out.. The only problem with the town here though is everything shuts for 2am, which is my eyes is a little early for clubs as they shut later back in Doncaster.

I hope everyone else has settled into university and making new friends and of course, had a brilliant time on their freshers week!


This is a picture Kitty tweeted when we'd made homemade Shepard's Pie :) - excuse the dress, wet hair and limited makeup haha!

Have a gander at me new photo wall I've finished in the past week; all my photo's on one wall, just behind my bed :)
I'll try and post as often as possible

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