Wednesday 6 March 2013

Deannechel takeover

SORRY I haven't written a post lately, but as you probably already know I've been busy on placement in North Wales. However, my time here is coming to an end so I thought I'd write a post about some of the lovely people I've spent the past six weeks with...

Firstly, I wanted to start with Rachel. What a babe, that's all.
Secondly, Dan. He's my main man, that's all.
And last (but certainly not least) Leanne, she's my babygyal. My everything.

I'm going to miss Wales quite a bit. Especially seeing my bezzies everyday. I'll miss them more than the chicken fajita wraps here (they're FIT). Also I'd like to thank them (Leanne especially) for collecting and delivering the toilet roll tubes I so desperately needed for my class' artwork project. My cleaner STOLE the 14 I had originally collected. 

Anyways, here's a poem they wrote about our time on placement in Wales...


Me & Leanne just wanted to say a hearty hello, so this is our poem. Here we go;
We start in the countryside of north Wales, witnessing Sam and his flirting fails. The inappropriate jokes from Jack Booth, YOU RUIN EVERYTHING JACK, you're so not smooth.
Jessica Stallard, YOU'VE GOT YOUR OWN BLOG, here mate, give us a snog? But in all fairness, it's like really good. Professional, artistic, better than I could (do)
Yo, who's at the door? OH HEY THERE RACH, the girl we adore. You pulled twice on Saturday, what you sayin'? If you were a lad, you'd be top at playin'.
James, you are a top notch lad. Three way kisses aren't that bad? You introduced us to the walking dead, we will forever be in your debt.
Hayley, have you finished having your poo? I mean seriously, how long can you sit on the loo? Remember, the man with the inside out shirt? Lol, I bet you don't, you dirty flirt!
Ruby ruby ruby, you're always in your room! I hope you're not giving sam a cheeky little spoon. Come and join in with the fun and games, instead of three way kissing with Rach & James.
Stevooooooo, still throwing your money away? Gamblings for idiots man, don't be so gay! Found the leg of lamb in your room yet, by the time you find it, you'll be in some serious debt.
I hope you've enjoyed our rhyming slang. Love from, The Scooby Doo gang xoxox

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