Monday 18 March 2013

Overdue Update

So sorry I've not posted up in while, as you might have seen from the last blog post (the blog takeover one) I've been in a hotel in North Wales on school placement. I was there for six weeks altogether (you might have seen the post about the first three weeks - face masks) but I had a week in the middle when it was half term. Well I've been back at university for over a week now so I felt it was about time I started getting more regular with my post - and as Dan and Leanne keep mentioning - featuring them a lot more ;) 

Readers.. You might want to be prepared for a few more blog takeovers.. featuring Leanne especially. 

So, in the second half of placement, we decided that we'd go out in Chester to break up the placement a bit and it was great going out with all fellow trainee teachers. I like how at university you have a whole network of friends, some who you only see on placement.

This is what sharing a room for a week can lead you too!

"The best thing about being shot in the buttocks.. Is the ice-cream" - just for you Hayley, if your reading!
So here's a selection of the photo's from our night out on placement :)

Wearing rollers all day just to get ready to go out!

Just love this photo - I turned around and WHAM! photo was taken haha!

So this was just a quick update about my life, I'll be back soon to post a couple of reviews on exercise DVDs I've just purchased which I'm finding very useful at the moment! Oh, and the night we went to Chester, we made our own Harlem Shake video however, I am not uploading it here haha.. Its just too funny!


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