Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Only Way Is Kos...

So I thought I'd share what I did with my week in Kos. The ins and the outs of the events and the gossip from each night, although some may not need repeating.

Thursday 12th
We're all innocent at 9:30am
It was a good start to the holiday, we'd all remembered the important documents and passports in order to get out of the country and the taxi journey to the airport was calm but exciting. However, on arrival at the airport we stood in the Thomas Cook check-in queue for over an hour with our flight time edging all the more close. Once we finally reached the beginning and said where we were going, the worst news was given to us.. a four hour delay. Nevertheless, we decided to look on the bright side of things and made the best of a bad situation by deciding to go to the nearest bar, that was going to be the theme of the holiday. Four, perhaps five hours passed and we eventually boarded the plane and sat down for the four hour flight. Despite all the problems during the day, we all breathed a sigh of relief on landing in Kos even though it was 1:30am the heat hit us on leaving the plane, we knew we weren't in England anymore.
When we arrived at the hotel, we all said we'd seen better but for the price we got it at, we couldn't complain for a Club 18-30 holiday. The rep came to do our welcome meeting at 4am and we ended up spending 200 euros on a week long package of activities.

Friday 13th
The sun was shining and we had high of 40 degrees!
The first day of tanning was well underway and we were getting familiar with the heat, the chilling pool temperatures and the bar (although we were on non-alcoholic drinks during the day). We spent a good five/six hours tanning in the sun and chilling in the pool which was a great, laid back day.

This was going to be our first night tearing up the Kos town at night and we were aware it was going to be a messy one and we were NOT mistaken. This night was named 'TFI Friday' and it was a massive bar crawl with an hours free bar! Free bars were the highlight of the bar crawls in the beginning of the week.
Cocktails: Blue Moon, Margarita, Dogs Bollocks

Bar Number 1



Friends were so easy to make on holiday.. Although I can't remember their names

Its a little blurry but.. On the right.. That's me.. Crawling on the floor outside the biggest club on the island!

The result of the first drunken night.. "Touch my knee all slaggy like"
All three of us ended up pretty worse for where this night and attempted to make our way home at just gone midnight, which looking back on it.. Was pretty pathetic! All I can remember from going to sleep that night is that I went to sleep with my head spinning, and managed to wake up with it spinning too!

Saturday 14th
In all fairness, after all we'd drank between us the night before, we all felt terrible and headed straight for the pool once we made it out of the hotel room. One majorly funny point of the first night was the loss of Chris' new camera, we spent all morning searching bags from the night, pockets, drawers etc for this camera and had no luck so that put a dampener on the day too. Spending all day worrying about it, checking the insurance details on how we could claim on it was all the more funny when that night I entered my make-up bag and found the camera just sitting in there. None of us had any idea how it got there or why it was in there. No-one will ever know!

Night time
It was Frat Party night! It had been portrayed to us as being amazing and an activity not to be missed so we all had high expectations. However, it was a slight disappointment but the best part was the 2 hour, again, free bar! But, the sex on the beach cocktails were too weak for our liking but we managed to stomach them.

The same lads from the first night + the brummies!
The red cups were the best!

Chris asleep on the sun lounger at night :)

On the pole!

From the pole :)

Up on the table (+belly-the lad)
It was a good night, it would've been better but the people really made it. There possibly would've been some copping off with people ;) but that's for me to know and all you's.. to never found out. We made it longer that night but me and Harley came home before Chris at approximately 2am via the food place haha.

Sunday 15th
It was a pretty calm day in the sun, reading and chatting to our new friends, the brummy lasses. This day me and Harley did proper cooking for the first time of the pasta we'd brought from home and things to tide us over while we were out on the night. I also christened the signature meal of mine of the holiday, the bacon cheeseburger.. Oh it was good to have that as a hangover supplement!

Night time
'Silent Sunday' - this is what is known as a silent disco and to be honest, all three of us didn't have high hopes for this night and were predicting we'd be home quite early or be ditching the disco. Unfortunately, Leanne, one of the brummy lasses was forced to leave us this night before entering the silent sunday event due to having an almost hour long nosebleed due to the really bad sunburn she'd gotten on the first day. Me and Harley ended up entering Status club ourselves while Leanne was walked back to the hotel, we gained our beats heaphones and put them on, only to have 2 different dj's battling it out to get you to listen to their channel.

The girls

Enjoying the headphones!

We are the children of the night (8)
Again, me and Harley came home after reaching the final club in the bar crawl but this time made it to 3am! This was a proud achievement for us. We left Chris out with Steph (the first one of the left) and he strolled in at approximately 5am. However, there is a brilliantly hilarious story that needs sharing from this night:
Me and Harley had gotten home around half 3 in the morning after getting food and strolling home with Lewis who didnt feel well. Seen as though me and Harley were in a room together, we were just getting changed into our pj's and heard the door open and close so we assumed Chris had returned home. Following the entrance into the room there were a lot of loud bangs and someone knocking things off the table and side in the kitchen but all of a sudden, a random ginger boy peered into our bedroom, at this time, Harley had no trousers on and me, no top. Well what a sight he walked in on. Turns out, he was on the wrong floor and was actually from the room directly above ours.. So me and Harley kindly walked him up but left him, asleep lent against his door!

Monday 16th
Again, due to me and Harley coming home relatively early, we felt great but managed to annoy Chris all day by being hyperactive haha. This was the day though that me and Harley began speaking to the three lads in our hotel from the navy, we had an awesome time having a laugh and joke in the pool and have them take the piss and things out of me. We left them to go for a nap about half 4/5pm and said we might see them later as they were on the same night as us as they'd only paid for a couple.

Night time
This was the night that has caused a little hype due to Tinchy Stryder being on the island. It began with a bar crawl which was like the other night and on arrival at Status, it was quite empty which meant we'd have to wait a while for Tinchy to arrive but the night was young. However, waiting became beyond a joke when it got to half 3 in the morning and he'd still not arrived! Well myself, Harley and one of the navy lads decided to leave and head for some food (like usual!).

Fish bowl!

Glow party begins

We all have Kos written on us

Me and Chris :)

The 212 conga!

The Migraine Skank!
Well, after we got majorly bored of waiting for Tinchy and left and after getting some food, me Harley and one of the navy lads were joined by Chris and the two other navy lads which was good. The navy lads thought it would be good to go find the 24hr pool and go swimming. Well we did find it and went for a dip in the pool, the lads in their boxers and me and Harley fully clothed.. That was uncomfortable haha.

Tuesday 17th
Well, I felt like utter shit that day. I literally spent the whole day either being sick or sleeping off the night befores alcohol and stuff. However, me feeling this crap did save me from a lot of awkward conversation around the pool about the whole night before haha.

Night time
LETS GET FOAMY! It was time for the foam party at the club Starlight and although we again had to wait until 2:30am for the foam to come, it was well worth the wait. This foam party is known as the biggest foam party in Europe which made it all the more fun. We ended up making friends with the large group of Scottish lads (who I thought was from Wales) there so we managed to stick with them as the navy lads didn't partake in this night.

Unfortunately, this is the only photo from that night and we didn't wanna ruin our cameras in the foam.
For once, this night we ended up returning back to the hotel room after Chris which was an achievement for me and Harley haha.

Wednesday 18th
It was our last day round the pool so we spent it wisely, topping up the tan and spending our last day in the pool. We caught up with the navy lads from the other night seeing what they did on their free night and shared what the foam party was like. It was a good last day round the pool and I knew I'd miss the daily routine once we left.

Night time
It was time for one last bar crawl round Kardamena, Kos and it was going to be a good one but we weren't gonna get too messy due to the long journey we'd have the following day.

Foil hat making before going off on the last bar crawl


Harley, Chris and Me

The girlies :)

Do the meerkat!

It was sad for it to be the last night on the island but we were all getting quite tired of the drinking and partying all the time haha.

So the whole holiday was brilliant and I will definitely do it again!

Trying to sleep on the plane home :)


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