Friday 27 July 2012

This is my time.

Since coming back from Kos, I've been feeling different and I haven't been able to put my hand on it. But I think I've figured it out now; the lost feeling I've been having isn't really that at all but instead its me maturing.

I've realised that I've learnt vital, life-changing things while being away and become much happier in myself. These points I will highlight are ones that I think everyone should realise sooner or later in their lives.

So, what I've learnt is:

1. Be happy in your own skin.
Recently, I've had a lot of trouble becoming happy living in my own skin/body. I've always compared myself to other girls my age, looking at their body shape, skin tone or 'natural beauty' and wondered why I couldn't be that little bit thinner, basically that little bit more perfect. I now realise, perfection doesn't exist in anyone or anything, there are lots of things that are close to perfection but we shouldn't strive to achieve perfection when we are all perfect in one way or another. On holiday, I managed to wear a bikini confidently in my own skin and feel comfortable chatting to people (girls and boys) while wearing it which was a massive step for me.

2. Don't listen to others.
There are always going to be people trying to put you down, that's just a fact of life but don't listen to them, which is easier said than done. Everyone will have their own experiences of this but mine was close to my holiday so stuck in my mind vividly. Being name called against the thing one is most self-conscious about gives you the most awful feeling ever but in the back of your mind, you need to remember that they can only get to you if you let them. If you are comfortable with yourself and can recognise your faults but not be bothered by them, then your just laughing at all those that try to put you down.

3. The past makes us stronger.
Everyone has a past but only those who you truly trust can learn about your personal past. Your past is what makes you, you. It is what makes us grow as an individual and remembering the good times and the bad allows us to be thankful for what is coming. I'm only 18 years old so don't have much wisdom to share with the world but I believe that my past, whether it be family, relationships or friends is personal to me and no-one else will have the same story. One day, I hope to share my life with someone else who understands and welcomes my past just like I'll welcome theirs. But, the past is the past for a reason and there is no need dwelling on it when no-one knows what could be around the corner.

4. Mistakes are good.
Parents look over their children like hawks and what for? To protect them from any mistakes they made as a child. Well, news to all the parents out there, we know your mistakes, and we know not to make them ourselves but we do have to make mistakes ourselves. I'm not ashamed to say I've made mistakes, one most important to me is not applying to more diverse universities further from Doncaster, but mistakes shape our personalities and teach us the important things in life.

5. Have bloody good fun!
Childhood will be the best time of any ones life and do believe that now having completed potentially all the exams I will ever take. As children we are care-free and do what we like when we like (within reason). Growing up provides us with more responsibility and less fun but I say, make time for the fun, make your own fun and by no means let anyone take the fun away from you. The week away in Kos has allowed me to properly let my hair down for the first time probably since starting sixth form but having all the fun I did in Kos has allowed me to make new friends and step outside my comfort zone. I found I was a completely different person when I was away, but I enjoyed the person I was there and it will shape the person I will now be.

I hope these inspire you and you can reflect on your own experiences that have allowed you to change and grow as a person like these have for me. I can safely say, I am now so much happier with myself and my life and I wouldn't change anything for the world. The route I took to get me here may have been tough and time consuming but nevertheless, I got here and here, I will stay.


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