Monday 20 August 2012

Beginning my teacher training activities...

You may all be thinking.. What?! You've only just found out your confirmed onto the Primary Education course and your already doing work? Well, teacher training isn't something to be taken lightly. It is an extremely intense course and will require a lot of work and commitment.

Quite some time before results day and finding out I was into Edge Hill University, I received an e-mail with them sending me the 'pre-course information and tasks'. Both me and my mum wondered why I'd received the e-mail if they didn't already know my results or something but I got it into my head to not get my hopes up and not start any of the tasks before I knew for definite I was in. Now I know I am, I thought I'd share with you (especially those of you who are thinking about a Primary Education course) what these pre-course tasks are like and how I'm finding them.

First of all, this is the booklet I received through an attachment:


My first thoughts were of immediate shock that I had a 56-page document to read, take notes, buy books and complete all tasks. I had tasks that were specific to each of the core subjects: English, Maths and Science as well as some for the foundation subjects: Art, Design and Technology, Music, Geography, History, Physical Education and Religious Education. It was very daunting to think I would be studying all these subjects within my course but I thought, at the end of the day, teachers aren't expected to know everything about everything all of the time.

So here are a selection of tasks that I am required to do, I'm not going to list them all because there's like 3 per core subject then 3 for the foundation subjects...

Task 1: Build a library
Building a library of quality children's books is an amazing task! I am loving it! This meant I was required to read a range of children's books for the age range 5-12 years (the ages I will be teaching). I've been getting really into this task and majorly excited about purchasing and having my own copies of famous children's book such as: The Very Hungry Caterpillar (love it!), The Gruffalo (eek!), Percy the Park Keeper and We're going on a bear hunt (we're going to catch a big one..). So far I've purchased: Lost and Found, The London Eye Mystery, Private Peaceful and Skellig, all of which I found with the Bookfinder link Edge Hill sent to use with this task. Task 2: this goes hand-in-hand with the previous task as I have certain bullet points I have to write about for each children's book I read, bullet points saying things like describe the main characters, find underlying story lines etc.

Those two books were recommended by Edge Hill :)

Task 3: I am dreading this!

This is one of the two tasks set for mathematics and it is honestly, awful! Although I have done A-level maths (and passed!), I have relied on my scientific calculator wayyyy too much over the past two years and now I'm struggling to complete these simple GCSE standard questions. I am determined to get through these questions though but it might not be possible to see but it does specify "Do not use a calculator in this test" :(.

Task 4: Science!! The subdivisions within..
So I have to research all the subdivisions within primary Science and grade how good I think I am at each of the sections. The first couple which are Biology related are quite good for me because I have completed (and again.. passed!) a full A-level course in Biology. The others, Chemistry and Physics based, are a little more iffy in my eyes because I've not really done any of them since completing my GCSEs two years ago.

Task 5: Make myself familiar and equipped with the above I.T skills
This is a relatively easy task for anyone of us who were brought up in this new technological era. Since being young I have been surrounded by technology, unlike my elder relatives who sometimes require and ask my help with computers etc, therefore, I have become accustomed to working on computers/laptops and with technology daily. For me, reading through this list gave me some laughs thinking.. "as if some people can't do this".. but then I thought to myself, some people actually can't. It did make me feel blessed to be able to do all of this and not need to teach it all before going to university.

Task 6: The last one.. Bring your attention to the bold writing above 'pre-course task 1'
"purchase an A3 spiral bound sketch book for the Art sessions" - OMG! Never in all my life have I been able to draw, sketch or do anything artistic. Some people have said I'm no creative and am more logical and intellectual than creative but I manage to play a musical instrument and progress in music to A-level standard which is pretty creative if you ask me. Well, being a primary school teacher, I am aware I'm going to have to be prepared to engage in some Art lessons but with it being this close to starting the university course now, its all become so real and I've realised people are going to have to see my 'artistic skills'.. If that's what you can call them haha.

AHHHH! 34 days until move in day to university.
My new address will be: Sarah Yelf, Founder Court, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk


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