Friday 10 August 2012

Since the 30/7/12

Monday 30th July
Well, this was the day we went to see our family friend who lives in Manchester who's recently had a new baby boy (so cute). We decided to go on the train because we couldn't all fit in one car as going the was me, mum, sister, grandma and my auntie Julie and her three kids, Molly, Joe and Dan. The train is always a stressful mode of transport with delays, cancellations and tight time intervals to get onto the next train if your changing. Thankfully, on the way there we got the non-stop train to Manchester Piccadilly which was good, me and Beth painted nails in support of Team GB in the Olympics.

We spent the whole day in Manchester and after spending a few hours with Joanne and the new baby, we left them in peace as there was quite a few of us and hit the Manchester shops! Well, I was amazed at the size of the Primark there and I do think it could be just about as big as the Primark on Oxford Street in London. I ended up buying some new heels, at the moment I seem to have an obsession with heels and have bought 2 pairs in the last week, the ones I bought in Manchester were a rough leopard print pattern:

I am in love with these shoes and can't wait to wear them out! I'm normally anxious about stilletoe heels and normally sway more towards a chunkier heel to feel more steady but these are comfortable and aren't too high.

Overall, it was a great day in Manchester.. Until the journey home. We headed to a pub/restaurant for something to eat before we headed for the train home but because of the long wait we had for our food we were forced to get the train home where we were required to change (which wasn't going to be good with a 4 year old, late at night). There were delays and things in Stockport so on boarding the train, we were told we weren't being going to Stockport as planned but that didn't bother us but the train ended up there and then we had to return to Manchester Piccadilly! It was a stressful train journey although me and my cousins did engage in the traditional travelling games of "Eye Spy" and "I went to the shops...". Once we finally arrived back in Doncaster, it was nearly 9:45pm and we went to the bus station to catch one of the final buses which didn't turn up! We had a big farse with the bus driver but ended up getting on a bus at 10:30pm for free which was good but had to go to Lakeside before doing the Wheatley bus route. It was a looooong day.

Thursday 2nd August
Me and my sister have gotten quite good at going to town together randomly and this was another day we went into town. However, whenever I go to town to with my sister I always feel like I spend a fortune when I don't spend to much or when I will get paid back by my mum or something.
This day was when I bought my new t-shirt as a support to Team GB again and it was relatively subtle:

Even when the Olympics aren't on, I think I will still be in love with this as it matches my new 'New Look' zip-up jacket I've recently bought. At the moment it shows my support and appreciation towards Team GB but after the Olympics are over, I am still patriotic towards my country. Always have been and always will be. The Olympics just highlight my 'proud the be British' attitude.

Friday 3rd August
This wasn't a good day, I'd been sick the night before so had to suspend the plans I had with my former workmate, Lily which I wasn't pleased about. Also, my mum decided to go out this night and it caused an argument because I was ill but whats done is done I suppose.
I spent all night buried in a cushion wearing sunglasses and I know your all sat there now like wtf?! Sunglasses and cushion? Are you mad? Haha, well the answer is.. No, I had the worst migraine in the world that night. By now, I am used to the migraines I get frequently but with my mum being out, it just seemed like this was especially bad. It was not a good experience. A good thing about this night is that it started my new love of grapes and water:

Saturday 4th August
Thankfully, I felt much better this day and managed to meet up with Lily for the first time in a month and it was brilliant to have a good old catch up! Lily is one of those people that make you laugh no matter what your mood. I do want to make sure I don't lose contact with her when I hopefully leave for university, just like I don't want to lose contact with a lot of my other friends.

This was what the Olympics medal table look liked to begin with, unfortunately I don't have a more recent one.. But here, we are 4th in the medal table, obviously at the moment, we are 3rd with 22 gold medals now! :) It was all good after the awesome performance Team GB did on Saturday night, receiving 3 gold medals in the space of 45 minutes. Go Team GB!

Sunday 5th August
Seen as though I didn't end up meeting my sister in town the day before, we went town to shop for the third time this week which was ridiculous! I didn't spend much money this time which was good but I did invest in a pair of pink jeans which I'd had my eye on for ages and some new crop tops from 'New Look' in preparation for new summer's holidays.
The other big news from the Olympics was the Tennis final between Murray and Federer, a rematch of the Wimbledon final that was four weeks prior. Thankfully, Murray won Federer in straight sets (yeah, I now understand Tennis which I'm proud of) and I was so glad for Murray, achieving that Olympic gold medal, he deserved it.

Tuesday 7th August

My mismatch painting gear!
While my mum was off work she decided to finally decorate our hallway with the paint and wallpaper my mum had for ages. I half-heartidly, told my mum I would help but me, my mum and sister all had a blast painting. My mum was covered in white and "soft pear" paint, Beth was just painting where she liked but always on a ladder and me, well I supplied up with music! I plugged my subwoofer and speakers into my laptop and we just danced to old and new music like Shania Twain to Train or Bryan Adams to Nicki Minaj.

New wallpaper - snazzy

"Soft Pear" dulux paint
This is the finished paintwork and wallpaper, although we've still not got round to put the curtain, blinds, mirror or pictures/photos back up but I suppose there the last priority when your decorating.

Thursday 9th August
It was a gloriously sunny day in Doncaster and with my mum back at work me and Beth took advantage of it a tanned. We had healthy sandwiches and dinner with tropical fruit juice which seems to have become our new signature dinner haha. I even got to wear some of my new crop tops with my holidays clothes which made me remenisce about the good times when holiday-ing it up in Kos, Greece.

New clothes and no editing - happy Jessica, although I'm not too sure if I like the picture
 Later on in the night I managed to persuade Beth to play with my hair once I'd washed it and I decided to not put on my anti-frizz products I normally use while and it obviously started to dry and while she was playing with it and I was catching up on my summer reading it started to get bigger.

Plaiting the front of my hair - you can already see the ends frizzing

Frizzing up

Still got some colour to me - bring on more sun!

I'm loving this triology of books - this is the last one which I'm reading now!

Complete frizz head haha!
Hopefully, I have more eventful things to come to end these holidays and more inmportantly, its less than a week till results day.. OMG!


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