Friday 17 August 2012

Results Confusion

It is official; I can think of myself now as a success. I have passed all four of my A-levels and my Extended Project Qualification, that means I have four A-level grades and one which equates to an AS-level. I am so proud of myself its unreal! If you've read my blog post previously about surviving A-levels and how I felt throughout and possibly mentioning how I would have changed my sixth form experience, you'll know I was quite sceptical about reaching the university I wanted and getting decent grades. I feel as though because I sailed through GCSEs and got into sixth form I felt like I was intelligent and could get to university potentially quite easily. However, getting results throughout sixth form made me ponder whether the reality of university was out of my grasp.

16th August 2012: or as it was known on my Twitter timeline "Judgement Day". I was absolutely dreading this time even since before finishing all my summer exams so when it actually came, I was waking up every hour and not wanting to drag myself out of bed in the morning.

So how the day planned out: The Full Story:

Once I woke up and got dressed I continuously checking Track, Twitter and Facebook. I saw friends and schoolmates of mine saying how they'd got into university and copying there congratulations message off of Track to Facebook which was getting me increasingly more nervous about not hearing from my firm choice but my insurance choice had changed to an unconditional offer so I did, thankfully, have some prior knowledge before collecting my results of what to expect. Seen as though there was nothing else I could do I went to school unaware of all the confusion I'd have later on in the day. On collection of my results and bringing them home to open, they were a little lower than I would have liked in all honesty but I did pass them all but I also knew from seeing them that I had just missed out on the conditions that were set by my firm choice, Edge Hill University. Presuming this, I got upset which made my mum upset as she knew I was disappointed in myself which is something she hates to see but all of a sudden, I received an email from my insurance choice, Bishop Grosseteste University College, Lincoln. This email stated I was being removed from the accommodation application there due to not accepting there insurance offer, this caused a lot of confusion as I hadn't done anything new on ucas and wasn't able to accept or decline anything of ucas. Therefore, I was required to phone up and ask what the hell was going on, BG Lincoln then informed me that they had receiving confirmation from Edge Hill that I had been accepted there although I hadn't see anything. Next, I rang up Edge Hill to see what was happening as BG required the knowledge to either find me accommodation or give my room to somewhere else. I then got told by Edge Hill that I was on the borderline of their requirements so they needed more time to reconsider and see if they were going to give me the place anyway. There was hope. Although, I wasn't about to get all my hopes up and think I was going to where I originally wanted, I just thought, at the end of the day, I'm into university no matter what.. That was something to be extremely proud of as I am the first one in my family to move away to university. So I was going to be waiting up to another week to find out which university I'd be at.. The waiting game began.

So me, Chris, Chloe and Zoe went off to town to party in celebration of us all getting into university and making something of our lives!

So, the next day, the 17th August, I woke up at midday which is pretty bad for me but I hadn't gotten in until 4am according to my mum and I was overloaded with notifications on my phone as it had been on silent: texts, bank updates, emails and facebook notifications. I was chronologically going through them all, ending with checking my five new emails. The first one UCAS Track Update Notification. Oh my bloody god I thought and my stomach was doing somersaults waiting for it to load up on my phone. I finally got onto and the welcome screen displayed:

Congratulations! Your place at Edge Hill University (E42) to study Primary Education with QTS (X120) has been confirmed.

Yayyyyyyyy! I'd done it! Gotten in! I literally screamed and ran into my sisters room and she was all like "Whats happened?!" as I'd just woken her up with my scream haha. All my family are so proud of me and I'm so proud myself. So its confirmed, within the next 3/4 years I will be a fully qualified teacher with my own class, in charge of approximately 30 children. That's a daunting thought though! To top it all off, I got my accommodation confirmation which said I'd gotten my first choice in that too! The best accommodation at Edge Hill; en-suite, fridge and tv in room, 42" tv in kitchen, locked cupboards in kitchen. I will be living the uni life to the fullest!

Follow me on my journey to university :)



  1. Congrats Jess :) You deserve it!!


    1. Thanks Tasha! And excellent news about your results too, they were fantastic! Nottingham is lucky to be gaining you :)


    2. Cheers :D Here's to the future!! <3
