Saturday 15 December 2012

Assignment Jitters

As you can probably guess from the post title, I'm having a bit of a stress out about my first university assignment. Having just come back off placement in Wales, its all been up in the air about what the assignment entails and how I need to set it out and stuff because obviously, I've never wrote a university assignment before. However, university haven't properly told us these things so I'm still crapping myself about whether I'll get it right or not.. I'm wanting to do well on this first assignment to boost my confidence for future ones. And yeah yeah, I know you'll all be thinking "well the first year doesn't account to anything, you just have to pass".. but I don't wanna be one of those people that only just passes. I like to exceed (I know that might seem big-headed haha). 

Well having missed a week full of lectures, I've been filling my time up catching up with those lectures that I missed while in Wales but also deciding what areas I will write about in my assignment. I need 3 areas but so far I've got 4 to read about: Inclusion, Observation, Assessment for Learning and Behaviour (I know only education students or teachers will understand these areas haha). To get ready I went to the library at 10pm last night and got a whole load of books.. I'm pretty prepared for it now :)

These are all out the library.. 12 books right there!

Then my own personal collection of books.. I'll be using some of these too!
So last night was quite productive for me.. I've now got all these books packed in a box ready to take home next week.. However, I've just realised I'll need a selection of other books too, to keep up-to-date with all subjects and here portfolio task.

My course just got a whole lot more intense very quickly!

Well in order to cheer myself up last night, I made some paper Christmas decorations for my room to make up for my limited time at home before Christmas. I'm not feeling that festive as I'm not going home until the 22nd so I literally have a day before Christmas Eve.. I've not wrapped any presents or anything.. It just doesn't feel like Christmas..

Well here's what my desk area in my room looks like now.. :)

As you can see I have paper chain, mini Christmas tree and single Christmas card. The card has a cute story to it though, its from ones of the children in the class where my placement is in Wales.. It was so cute when I got it from her.. and look its addressed to Miss Stallard!

So cute! (for confidentiality I've cute the name of the pupil off)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds pretty intense :/ The card is so cute :)

    Thankyou for the lovely comment.

