Tuesday 11 December 2012

Looking back...

Its nearing the end of 2012 now (and apparently the end of the world haha) and I thought I'd look back on the past twelve months and see what my highlight from each month was.

Be warned: this may be heavily photo-based!


This was a good year for the Stallard family; two bigggg birthdays in one year. The first was this one, my aunties, she turned 40 (as you might be able to see from the badge) at the end of January so we had a pretty big party to commemorate it. I love this photo of my and my auntie Julie however, I do look taller than her, which is weird to look at haha.


February was when me and my friends, Chris and Harley, booked our first holiday abroad without our parents! For me, this was another 'biggy' because I hadn't been abroad for 7 years either, I'd been on city breaks to York and London but nothing more.. so it meant a holiday just abroad for me in 7 years. I remember I was soooo excited this day; just needed to buy a passport then haha.


This was the first house party I'd held in a pretty long time. I'd gone through a rough patch within the previous six months and needed something to take my mind off everything and this was the perfect solution. In addition, it was the first house party that I had where my mum left me in charge of the house which was even better as it allowed me to be more independent.

Now, this is a hard one.. A pretty jammed packed month.. They will be more than one event this month haha..
Hairspray: the school musical. This was was a memorable time as it was the final school music I would be in after 3 musical prior to this one. They had all be just as memorable as each other, some more than others.

My 18th Birthday: a persons 18th birthday is an unforgettable time for everyone as it marks a new chapter in your life. Its the time when your legally an adult and begin to think about where your going to take your life. This was the time when I was stressing over A-level exams, getting into university and just everything else a teenager stresses about. My 18th birthday was a big deal for my family as I am the eldest so we had big celebrations with friends and family to mark to occasion.

Grandma decorated the outside of my house.. She has an act for that!


Danum Sixth Form Leavers; this was when I officially left school/sixth form for real. It came around so fast! Although the work load and pressure sixth form put on me, I loved every minute of it and how it made me grow so much more as a person. Sixth form prepared me for university life, it was when my life changed dramatically from year 11-year 13 and a time when I could just hang with childhood and new friends.
A time I will never forget.


Diamond Jubilee: we had family celebrations for this again during the Jubilee weekend. It really has been a good year for the Brits and I am proud to say I'm British and a total royalist so why not celebrate the Queen's achievement with a party!

This was the first time I took part in the Race for Life and it was truly rewarding. It gave me a sense of meaning as I was raising money for charity. I've raised money before but this combined charity work with exercise which was brilliant for me. I will definitely be doing this again! Race for Life 2013 here I come.. (I will prepare myself with more pink things too.. Like a tutu).

I love watching athletics and there is nothing better than the Olympics and what was even more brilliant was that they were held in my home country but in the capital, London. 
This was when the Olympic torch passed through Doncaster and I made sure that I was to witness this brill thing!

Sixth Form Ball! I went to the Year 11 prom but the sixth form ball was a step up from this; this was when we all were legal and could drink alcohol!!! Oh yes ;) haha.. but not only that, having been in the same school since being 11, some of the teachers you had known for years so they become a staple part of your life.. This was when you said by to them also.

This was the real goodbye.. Bye Bye Danum! :'(

This month clearly had a lot of goodbyes as this was also when I said by to playing the Double Bass. The Double Bass had been an important part of my life since me being in year 5 and saying goodbye to it was quite difficult. The pictures above have been in the blog before and are of my final Doncaster Music Centre concert. I am sad to never be returning. 

Bye Bye Music :')

BUT.. I have got a letter recently which says I will be receiving a certificate and money prize for all my contribution to the Doncaster Music Service :)


This was the return of one of my previous bass partners, Phillip. He is a year older than me and had been in Australia for nearly a year so the people closest to him got together and planned a surprise welcome home party in a pub in Doncaster. It was a brilliant party and a great catch up with a good friend.

Now onto one of the 'biggies' of the year: a parent free holiday!!! This was a major life goal of mine and was definitely something I wanted to do before I went to university as I wanted to have a little burst of independence before heading off into the big wide world of university.


A-Level results night! This was a good reunion as everyone that was off to university soon went out into the same bar/club for a good night out. I wasn't going to go out to begin with but thankfully, I got persuaded to go and thank god I did. A-Level results is definitely all about the night out; either to drown your sorrows or celebrate. If you've read my other blog posts you'll know by this time, I did not have confirmation if I was into university or not.


HARRY POTTER STUDIO TOUR LONDON! I love Harry Potter and nothing will ever change that so getting the chance to go to London to see all the film memorabilia and props. We took one of my best friends with us for his birthday present and he absolutely loved it too so that was another bonus. I think everyone ought to experience the tour if your an avid Harry Potter fan like me.

THE MOVE TO UNIVERSITY! Wow! This was such a big step for myself in particular as I am naturally a shy person but I knew university would start to change this about me as I wouldn't be able to by shy in my chosen career of teaching. I am close to all my immediate family and it was so emotional to leave them all behind in Doncaster to fend for myself in Ormskirk. To be honest, I was primarily afraid about the people I would be living with because in my opinion, I'm a little geeky and yes there's nothing wrong with that, but I thought the people I would be living with would be prim and proper and not like me at all. However, moving to university has broaden my knowledge of people who live all over the country and I met Kitty! Kitty has honestly changed my life, she is like me on same many levels. She can be the life and soul of the party but shes also down to earth and blunt. It was good that I'm living with her because she introduced herself to me on the first say whereas I wouldn't because of my shyness. Honestly, looking back on life now I can't believe I haven't known Kitty all my life and I do not know what I'd do if I didn't have her with me now. Love you!!! We'll be in touch forever!


Halloween is good fun every year but this year was extra special as it was all set in the on campus SU bar, The Venue. It always a good time when you get to dress up and have a laugh. Halloween allows that freedom at least once a year.


You might recognise these photo's from a previous blog post but this was when I went back to Doncaster for the first time since moving away to university. This was great as it was just like results night, all my year from sixth form were out on the town partying and I didn't get into till nearly 4am! Haha!


These photo's have also been on my blog before but this was another highlight of November; going to the midnight showing of Twilight! I went with Hannah and Kitty, both of which I admire dearly and which I can talk to about anything. I can't believe both of them know so much about me and we've only known each other since the end of September.

THE BIG REUNION. I was looking forward to this since me and Chris booked it while we were in Kos. It was like a week-long summer clubbing holiday packed into the 2 nights. During this weekend I got to see Katy B and DJ Fresh live.. Both of which were awesome and I will never forget. This was an indoor festival not to miss!


To be confirmed.. Probably will be Christmas Day 2012.


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