Saturday 12 January 2013

Dedicated to the Angels

I've been following a blog called Alice's Bucket List (see here) since I started this blog and its what first inspired me to write my own bucket list of things I'd like to do before I die. 

Unfortunately, today, the 12th of January 2013, Alice has lost that long battle with the demon that is cancer and passed away to be among the stars. Reading Alice's blog daily was inspiring, seeing her write as often as possible around hospital appointments and her illness was brilliant and I someday hope to complete my bucket list in memory of her. Although, I didn't know her personally I still wanted to write this blog in memory of her and another teenager that has passed away from the same thing recently, Ashleigh.

It really makes appreciate what I have. My health, my success and my life. That might sound selfish to some people but these horrible situations make you realise what you have. I still can't believe that this time last year I was sat in an assembly all about Ashleigh, her friends fundraising for her. It all happens so fast.

Sleep Tight Angels

RIP Alice (picture curtsy of Alice's Blog)

RIP Ashleigh (picture curtsy of Facebook group "RIP Ashleigh Marie Parks")

1 comment:

  1. This is such a beautiful tribute Jess :'( Such sad news, my thoughts go out to their family and friends at such a tragic time.

