Saturday 19 January 2013

New Me!

So, if you follow me on Twitter you'll know I've been thinking about going back to my natural hair colour for a while. It'll save me money as it won't need dying and what better than if I'm going back to the size I used to be, than to change my hair colour along with it too. Plus, blondes always have so much more fun! haha!

(Be warned this'll be heavily picture based and dramatic hair colours!!)


Step 1

Bleaching it for the first time - this was put all over my hair apart from when my roots have grown out already otherwise they would've gone white haha! This was a length process as it had to be twice but just wait till you see the colour it turned out to be after this load of bleach...


This was the result of this bleach.. prepare for some bright colours!

Step 2
Bleaching with cotton wool round the roots. The cotton wool was ensuring no more bleach went on the roots because like I said before.. my roots would be white haha.

My hair is just absolutely massive!.. I think I suit orange hair ;) haha

Step 3

I was worried about my hair at this point as it was STILL orange despite being bleached twice already! Step 3 is the dye and highlight part of it.. The foils are where the lighter blonde highlights are and the bright yellow dye is the rest.. But don't be alarmed.. my hair didn't turn out bright yellow haha!

Step 4

Washing off the dye.. Read to see the end result!
  End Look

I'm sooooooo happy with it! I feel like I'm myself again and its going to be an added incentive to lose weight and all.. All in time to go party in Newcastle for a flatmates birthday!

However, all this did take FIVE hours in the hairdressers! But I'm definitely not going back brunette again! Haha!


1 comment:

  1. Look gorgeous :) A big process though but totally worth it, you look stunning!!

