Tuesday 1 January 2013


Like I said, I'd be back in the new year with my resolutions...


1. Get more motivated to do university work
When it comes to work, I've always been a procrastinator and I wanna change that trait of mine. I've always done quite well under pressure but now being in university, I don't think that's going to be the case so I need to become more proactive with assignments haha.

2. Become less shy
I can already feel myself becoming less shy with most aspects of my life due to the course I'm studying. To be a teacher, I need to be able to talk to a range of people including parents, colleagues and children alike so my shyness needs to prevail.

3. Continue with cheerleading and loosing weight
I know most people will be like yeah, yeah.. Everyone's new years resolutions are to loose weight but I started this when I started the next chapter in my life, university. Cheerleading is something I enjoy to do so ensures I loose weight at a healthy pace and its something that won't get boring. I've always got myself a gym membership at uni and don't start to think I'll go all the time, because I know myself I won't but recently, when I've said I'm going to do something I have so this will get done.. I've already nearly dropped a dress size in four months so thats an achievement (and that was just with cheerleading once a week).

4. Be more sociable
I am a sociable person but I don't go out as much as I could at university and when I come home so I'd like to change that about myself and make more of an effort to party haha. But at the same time I'm not a big drinker so sometimes don't see the point in going out when everyone else is paralytic.

5. Become more stylish
I don't mean I look like a scruff all the time but sometimes I just can't be bothered to make an effort and sit in the house in my usual leggings, long top, hair in a scruffy bun, glasses and no makeup. So I want to make the effort to wear different colours (as I usually wear dull colours like black and grey with a deep wine red) that make more of a stand. Plus if I manage to loose the weight I want, I'll feel more comfortable in other clothes.

 What are your new years resolutions?

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