Friday 4 January 2013

Meal Out

Just a short post this time to share with you how I've been spending my last couple of days in Doncaster. Now some people don't return to uni till the end of January but I start up Monday again because I started my proper professional practice on 21st January so need to get some more lectures and seminars in.

Well unfortunately I was unable to go out for one of my best friends, Chloe, birthday as I was ill and suffering at home.. Therefore I met up with her last night and went out for a lovely meal for a good catch-up.

Here are a few pictures from last night, although I didn't take many because me and her just got talking for ages and although we went out for the meal about 5.30pm, I didn't get back to my house until nearly 9pm.. Just in time for CBB launch night haha,

Ready to go: dressed wearing my new coat I got for Christmas - fake eyelashes on although it doesn't look like it haha

My meal: Cajun Chicken Burger topped with Bacon and Cheddar Cheese with Chips and Coleslaw.. as you can see, I've took the tomato out my burger because I don't like them haha.
Chloe's Meal: 5oz Steak with Chips, Onion Rings, Mushroom and Peas - personally I don't like Steak as I only really eat Chicken but Chloe had no complaints.

My Pudding: Warm Chocolate Brownie with Vanilla Ice-Cream
Chloe's Pudding: Syrup Sponge Pudding with Custard

Me when I got home
So the picture above you might be able to notice that I've started loosing weight and you can start to see it now, especially on my face, according my auntie and uncle haha - so happy about it!

Hope you've all had good Christmas holidays and if your off back to uni for exams or still completing assignments.. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Looks so delcious :) Hope you're feeling better now!!

