Tuesday 25 September 2012

Starting Fresh

In my opinion, starting university is like starting a clean new slate just like when you start Primary School and you don't know anyone or if you move schools. However, uni is a lot different in making friends than Primary School as at primary age your a lot less picky and definitely less bitchy about people. My personality is that I'm quite shy, well a lot more than 'quite' but there goes; I am so surprised I've managed to make friends so quickly! I'd been speaking to one or two before moving to uni so that was just a case of meeting them but I've quickly made friends with people in my flat cluster and in my tutor group on my course, Primary Ed.

The moving in experience yesterday filled me with so many emotions! The act of leaving home was so emotional, I had all my family there as we're such a close family and it was just full of tears, hugs and sobs! I did compose myself enough to enrol in uni and end up looking at least half decent on my Edge Hill unicard:

A very flattering photo on the unicard..
Well I know you will all be eager to see pictures of the room I'm staying in on the Edge Hill campus. Well, your all in for a treat because it is awesome! In my room I have an en-suite bathroom (more like a wet room), a TV/Computer in my room which I am currently using as a television, there is a fridge in the wardrobe which I'm using mainly for booze haha (although I don't have much) and a 32" television in the kitchen.. S'all good!
Here are the photos:

 I'm loving the university life :)

Thursday 20 September 2012

Song of the Day

Bit more remincising about Kos 2012; only remembered about this song when my holiday friend, Steph, tagged me in a post with the video. I like the American style music and the frat party played loads of good American music but all that you don't know what its all called.


Tuesday 18 September 2012

I Got Bitten by the Blog Bug!

Here are the rules once you are awarded/tagged:
  • If you are given the Blog Bug award, you must answer the questions that follow and the title of the post should be "I Got Bitten by the Blog Bug"
  • You must give the link of where you originally got this award, and you can tag as many bloggers as you want. Link their pages on the post and also inform them through comments in their blog. :)
  • Optional: You must post a banner corresponding to the site that you are using to blog in your sidebar and it should link back to your post about the Blog Bug Award.


1) When and Why did you start blogging? I've had a blog before this one when I was like 13/14 ish and it was just one of those crappy sites where you spoke crap haha. I started this one up in April 2012 primarily ready for moving to university so my family and friends back in Doncaster would be able to keep up with my daily ongoings. Therefore, I've only just started posting more regularly this last month, the month I will be leaving for university.

2) What do you love to blog about and why do you like it?I love blogging about absolutely anything. I love blogging about my daily life, so what I do, any problems I have and how I overcome things because I find those things useful so hopefully others do too. In addition, I love blogging about things I know like getting ready for being a fresher at university (the university essentials) and my sometimes regular song of the day seen as though I'm a recent music student.

3) How did you get your blog name? Simple, its my name. I'm not a creative person so I thought it'd be easy just to name it after myself.

4) What do you think is your best post yet? The post . This is my current favourite post as its what I'm going into teaching baring in mind. I want to be the best teacher I can be and inspire a generation into learning and the art of education; therefore this quote is what I'm going to live by.


5) What is your inspiration for blogging at present? My inspiration comes from a lot of other blogs and my mother (see that post here). Other blogs inspire my random content a lot, most of the things that aren't about my daily ongoings are from things I've read elsewhere or my surroundings like fashion, food or sightseeing.

6) Message for your readers: I can't really believe that people read my blog other than my family even though I know my family, such as my grandad, watches my blog like a hawk. I'm glad you guys are reading my blog and now I feel like gaining more followers, pageviews and content will make me happy. However, I do love you guys. :)

Bloggers I would like to award:


Today's Buys

As I'm off to uni this Sunday I've been stocking up on new clothes, especially autumn/winter fashion as I've recently cleared out my wardrobes and ended up being heavily leaning towards summer clothes. So I took my mum shopping today to get a few last minute staple autumn additions to my wardrobe and this is what I've ended up with:
My shopping bags!
Faux UGG Style Ankle boots £5; I usually get a pair of these every winter just as some casual boots. These are so comfortable!! The fur lining of the boots make them extremely nice to wear but the inside soles flatten easily so I often wear them with bed socks too :) 
Teal Knitwear Jumper £8; this is a casual off-the-shoulder jumper that will be perfect for layering in autumn/winter times. I'm fond of wear teal colours as I think its a really snazzy autumn colour.
New bed socks £2; always fun to have nice new pairs of comfy socks! My sister steals a lot of my bed socks for herself so I thought I'd buy myself 2 new pairs ready for the move, to be as comfortable as possible. Also, I want a onesie for Christmas for uni to be even warmer/comfier on them cold nights.
Fold away flats £6; these are life savers! I've been meaning to get some of these for ages for long nights out so I thought before heading to uni would be the perfect time. You slip these into your clutch on a night out girls and when your on your way home you slip these beauties on and your feet'll be in heaven! Perfect for those long nights in heels!
New PJs £8 altogether; PJs are awesome gifts and I love buying new PJs for myself however at the moment, my longer PJs seem to be dwindling and I've ended up with like 3 matching pairs of jammies to take with me so I thought it'd be a good investment to make.
Grey Cable Knit Skirt £8; I love autumn coming round because I love knitwear! I love buying it and I love feeling snug as a bug being all layer up in it. Well last autumn season I wanted a nice knitted skirt, well this season, I've managed to get one. Its a simple skirt so it'll go with a lot of my clothes and I'll be able to get a lot of wear out of it :)

New Look:
A little black dress £11.99; a piece of clothing every girl needs in their wardrobe. A little black dress is a staple piece of any good wardrobe and they can be dressed with colour, neutral or black accessories, I will try all of these at some point. I've always had a black dress in my wardrobe for the school musicals but I thought I'd update it before I went to uni and my other black dress is 3 years old. This is a comfy cotton dress with a nice mesh detail at the top so I'd make sure I didn't pair this with any "out there" necklace as it would draw away the attention from the mesh.


Dark Red Skinny Jeans £16.99; I love skinny jeans and I'm one of those that doesn't like just the average 'jean colour' jeans. Currently, all my jeans are different colours which is awesome and I can vary and dress them up or dress them down for a casual look. These are the comfiest pair of skinny jeans I currently own and are super soft! I will definitely be buying more of these for my wardrobe in as many colours as I can get hold of.

Chiffon Dress £7; this was an ideal buy in the H&M sale! I love finding bargains and being able to buy going out dresses in sales is perfect for me while I don't have a job (although I do plan on getting one at uni to supplement my life). This is a gorgeous chiffon dress that I think can be worn many different ways; I'm thinking about wearing it just as seen below and maybe matching it with a simple, thin belt to separate the outfit with matching coloured heels or something. Obviously with the detail along the neckline, I would not wear a necklace with this dress at all but I would pair it with some chunky jewellery such as earrings and bracelets.

What have you bought recently?

Thursday 13 September 2012

A University Checklist

So avid readers, as you may already be aware, I am heading of to university on the 23rd of this month. Getting ready for the big move or any move is a stressful time and this isn't different for me and my family. Since finding out I had got into university it has been a sea of shopping, packing and panicking. I'm not going to lie to any of you sixth form or college students reading who want to attend university, it isn't cheap. You may also be thinking, "obviously, its £9000 for tuition fees now" but all the things you have to buy to live.. and no, you can't just steal everything from your parents.

Well he's my staple checklist:

1) Organise all essential documents: when moving away to uni, you need to make sure you have all the documents you'll need for jobs or placements or more importantly, enrolling. The most important documents you'll need are exam certificates, passport and/or driving license for ID, student finance docs, university confirmation and spare passport photo's for university ID cards.

2) Stock up on cupboard foods: the main foods to get are are pasta/spaghetti, tinned foods take ages to spoil so there useful to have, alcohol is a definite for freshers week - lets get MESSY!, I've also purchased a student cookbook that has a list of essential foods to take to make lots of easy, quick dishes. Although, I'm a little apprehensive about cooking as I've never done it much as home.

3) Personal Items: university accommodation is a little bare when you arrive so taking items to make it your own will help it feel more homely. I've purchased a few posters as I don't really have them in my bedroom at the moment but in addition, printed out photo's is good to put up round you room to remind you of your friends and family back home. Currently, I have some photo's framed and the others ready to be stuck on the walls. Oh, remember your blue/white tac to stick the things up as you have to be able to take them down when your contract ends in summer.

4) Take a printer: universities do have printers in their libraries but who knows if they will be free when you specifically need to use them to print out assignments to be handed in. Therefore, having a printer of your own is ideal in that situation.. Most rooms come with a desk so it can be just put to the back when not needed.

5) A USB Stick: need I say more? Back up documents so you always have a copy of ongoing assignments with you and you'll never worry about losing them if your laptop suddenly combusts (haha, lets hope not!).

Last but by no means least...

6) Clothes: people may say they don't but its a fact that people judge others from the moment they meet them, just from their appearance. Therefore, making a good first impression is a must, if you like me, you only dress up to go out at night but I will make an effort for the first couple of weeks at university so I can make that good impression. I don't mean dressing all fancy all the time but just taking that extra time to spruce up a little. So think about packing things you don't usually wear but would like to try something new, for people on placements.. smart clothing is a necessity! You need to make an excellent first impression there! Oh almost forgot.. dressing up outfits are fun! I can guarantee there will be dressing up events at your university and taking part will start up conversations with new people and they won't feel alienated that their the only ones dressed up and your not.

If I think of anything else before moving away or while there I will blog about it as I want to be a source people can rely on! University is a daunting process for anyone but for people that don't know where to start, its even worse. Follow me on my journey to and during university.

The final thing I want to add to this blog post is a YouTube video by a friend of mine, listing the things she has for university already. I sat watching this while eating my lunch today and thought it was a good idea for advice for budding uni students..

Check out her YouTube channel here for more videos.
Hope this helps!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Song of the Day

Sorry I've not been too up-to-date with these 'Song of the Day' for the past three days but I have managed to blog about what I have been doing. If you've read recently or follow me on twitter (here), you'll know I've been to London, Harry Potter Studio Tour and doing my pre-course tasks. I've obviously had other less important tasks to do like going to the bank and town for more uni essentials but here is an update linked to the past couple of days. These are all inspired by the Harry Potter Studio Tour, London; all of these are themes from the movies, the most famous being Hedwig's Theme by John Williams.


This is the type of teacher I want to be...
A master can tell you what he expects of you.
A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations.
- Patricia Neal

Monday 10 September 2012

Secrets will be revealed!

Harry Potter is the best thing since sliced bread.
That is what I think anyway, and it has been a big part of my childhood as I am part of the Harry Potter Generation! Tweet #harrypottergeneration if your part of that generation with me!
So when The Making of Harry Potter was opened in London, I was excited to maybe get to go to London to all the actual sets and props from all of the 8 films. I can't put into words how awesome the whole Harry Potter experience was and how it will be a thing I never forget! Films are an important part of my life and getting the opportunity to walk along the same floors as all the Harry Potter actors and actresses was a once in a life time experience.
There is no better way to explain the journey through the movies than in photo's and believe me, I took a lot of photo's (see facebook album here)!
So as our time slot was 6:30pm at the Harry Potter Tour we decided to spend the beginning of the day in London centre visiting the Olympic Park.. yay yay yay yay!!
Here are the pictures from before the tour:

We started out with Harry Potter props pretty quickly

The Olympic Park :)

 I ♥ Doctor Who!

Canadian athletes possibly?
Now onto the Harry Potter Tour! Can you wait? I turned into a right little kid (I really started to doubt that I would be going to university in next two weeks) with all the magical stuff.
First, let me explain how the tour starts (SPOILER ALERT), that was honestly amazing! You watch a sort of cinema production of Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson explaining what it was like for them growing up on the set. Well, it ends with the three of them going through the door into the Great Hall and saying "you'll now enter the doors".. Literally, the projection screen rolls up and reveals the Great Hall doors, A-MA-ZING!
Our ride to the tour - nothing like being in theme :)

Chess pieces - me and Beth look so small

We're ready to attend Hogwarts

Got to walk through these beauties

So cute! Daniel's first costume from the first film

A legend in the film industry

In the mirror of Erised

Knock Knock Dursley's


A cheeky butterbeer ;)

Stepping in the foorsteps of Harry Potter legends

All the drawing and cardboard models made before any of the sets are started.


Absolutely A-MA-ZING!

Stood chilling outside Hogwarts

The legend herself has her own wand :)

Purchases from the Harry Potter Store (its expensive I must add):
Sovenir Guide Book £9.95

Hogwarts glass £11.95

Honeydukes Lollipop £3.95

Take Flight

Watching Harry Potter will never be the same again but I wouldn't have missed this experience and its another thing of my Bucket List (see here). I'd recommend this to those who are lovers of Harry Potter and just mild fans. It is brilliant!