Monday 10 September 2012

Secrets will be revealed!

Harry Potter is the best thing since sliced bread.
That is what I think anyway, and it has been a big part of my childhood as I am part of the Harry Potter Generation! Tweet #harrypottergeneration if your part of that generation with me!
So when The Making of Harry Potter was opened in London, I was excited to maybe get to go to London to all the actual sets and props from all of the 8 films. I can't put into words how awesome the whole Harry Potter experience was and how it will be a thing I never forget! Films are an important part of my life and getting the opportunity to walk along the same floors as all the Harry Potter actors and actresses was a once in a life time experience.
There is no better way to explain the journey through the movies than in photo's and believe me, I took a lot of photo's (see facebook album here)!
So as our time slot was 6:30pm at the Harry Potter Tour we decided to spend the beginning of the day in London centre visiting the Olympic Park.. yay yay yay yay!!
Here are the pictures from before the tour:

We started out with Harry Potter props pretty quickly

The Olympic Park :)

 I ♥ Doctor Who!

Canadian athletes possibly?
Now onto the Harry Potter Tour! Can you wait? I turned into a right little kid (I really started to doubt that I would be going to university in next two weeks) with all the magical stuff.
First, let me explain how the tour starts (SPOILER ALERT), that was honestly amazing! You watch a sort of cinema production of Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson explaining what it was like for them growing up on the set. Well, it ends with the three of them going through the door into the Great Hall and saying "you'll now enter the doors".. Literally, the projection screen rolls up and reveals the Great Hall doors, A-MA-ZING!
Our ride to the tour - nothing like being in theme :)

Chess pieces - me and Beth look so small

We're ready to attend Hogwarts

Got to walk through these beauties

So cute! Daniel's first costume from the first film

A legend in the film industry

In the mirror of Erised

Knock Knock Dursley's


A cheeky butterbeer ;)

Stepping in the foorsteps of Harry Potter legends

All the drawing and cardboard models made before any of the sets are started.


Absolutely A-MA-ZING!

Stood chilling outside Hogwarts

The legend herself has her own wand :)

Purchases from the Harry Potter Store (its expensive I must add):
Sovenir Guide Book £9.95

Hogwarts glass £11.95

Honeydukes Lollipop £3.95

Take Flight

Watching Harry Potter will never be the same again but I wouldn't have missed this experience and its another thing of my Bucket List (see here). I'd recommend this to those who are lovers of Harry Potter and just mild fans. It is brilliant!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing shots! Love your blog!
    Lets follow eachother? Let me know if you are following me,
    I will follow you back straight away.

    See you on my blog
    Love, Carmen
