Tuesday 18 September 2012

I Got Bitten by the Blog Bug!

Here are the rules once you are awarded/tagged:
  • If you are given the Blog Bug award, you must answer the questions that follow and the title of the post should be "I Got Bitten by the Blog Bug"
  • You must give the link of where you originally got this award, and you can tag as many bloggers as you want. Link their pages on the post and also inform them through comments in their blog. :)
  • Optional: You must post a banner corresponding to the site that you are using to blog in your sidebar and it should link back to your post about the Blog Bug Award.


1) When and Why did you start blogging? I've had a blog before this one when I was like 13/14 ish and it was just one of those crappy sites where you spoke crap haha. I started this one up in April 2012 primarily ready for moving to university so my family and friends back in Doncaster would be able to keep up with my daily ongoings. Therefore, I've only just started posting more regularly this last month, the month I will be leaving for university.

2) What do you love to blog about and why do you like it?I love blogging about absolutely anything. I love blogging about my daily life, so what I do, any problems I have and how I overcome things because I find those things useful so hopefully others do too. In addition, I love blogging about things I know like getting ready for being a fresher at university (the university essentials) and my sometimes regular song of the day seen as though I'm a recent music student.

3) How did you get your blog name? Simple, its my name. I'm not a creative person so I thought it'd be easy just to name it after myself.

4) What do you think is your best post yet? The post . This is my current favourite post as its what I'm going into teaching baring in mind. I want to be the best teacher I can be and inspire a generation into learning and the art of education; therefore this quote is what I'm going to live by.


5) What is your inspiration for blogging at present? My inspiration comes from a lot of other blogs and my mother (see that post here). Other blogs inspire my random content a lot, most of the things that aren't about my daily ongoings are from things I've read elsewhere or my surroundings like fashion, food or sightseeing.

6) Message for your readers: I can't really believe that people read my blog other than my family even though I know my family, such as my grandad, watches my blog like a hawk. I'm glad you guys are reading my blog and now I feel like gaining more followers, pageviews and content will make me happy. However, I do love you guys. :)

Bloggers I would like to award:


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