Thursday 13 September 2012

A University Checklist

So avid readers, as you may already be aware, I am heading of to university on the 23rd of this month. Getting ready for the big move or any move is a stressful time and this isn't different for me and my family. Since finding out I had got into university it has been a sea of shopping, packing and panicking. I'm not going to lie to any of you sixth form or college students reading who want to attend university, it isn't cheap. You may also be thinking, "obviously, its £9000 for tuition fees now" but all the things you have to buy to live.. and no, you can't just steal everything from your parents.

Well he's my staple checklist:

1) Organise all essential documents: when moving away to uni, you need to make sure you have all the documents you'll need for jobs or placements or more importantly, enrolling. The most important documents you'll need are exam certificates, passport and/or driving license for ID, student finance docs, university confirmation and spare passport photo's for university ID cards.

2) Stock up on cupboard foods: the main foods to get are are pasta/spaghetti, tinned foods take ages to spoil so there useful to have, alcohol is a definite for freshers week - lets get MESSY!, I've also purchased a student cookbook that has a list of essential foods to take to make lots of easy, quick dishes. Although, I'm a little apprehensive about cooking as I've never done it much as home.

3) Personal Items: university accommodation is a little bare when you arrive so taking items to make it your own will help it feel more homely. I've purchased a few posters as I don't really have them in my bedroom at the moment but in addition, printed out photo's is good to put up round you room to remind you of your friends and family back home. Currently, I have some photo's framed and the others ready to be stuck on the walls. Oh, remember your blue/white tac to stick the things up as you have to be able to take them down when your contract ends in summer.

4) Take a printer: universities do have printers in their libraries but who knows if they will be free when you specifically need to use them to print out assignments to be handed in. Therefore, having a printer of your own is ideal in that situation.. Most rooms come with a desk so it can be just put to the back when not needed.

5) A USB Stick: need I say more? Back up documents so you always have a copy of ongoing assignments with you and you'll never worry about losing them if your laptop suddenly combusts (haha, lets hope not!).

Last but by no means least...

6) Clothes: people may say they don't but its a fact that people judge others from the moment they meet them, just from their appearance. Therefore, making a good first impression is a must, if you like me, you only dress up to go out at night but I will make an effort for the first couple of weeks at university so I can make that good impression. I don't mean dressing all fancy all the time but just taking that extra time to spruce up a little. So think about packing things you don't usually wear but would like to try something new, for people on placements.. smart clothing is a necessity! You need to make an excellent first impression there! Oh almost forgot.. dressing up outfits are fun! I can guarantee there will be dressing up events at your university and taking part will start up conversations with new people and they won't feel alienated that their the only ones dressed up and your not.

If I think of anything else before moving away or while there I will blog about it as I want to be a source people can rely on! University is a daunting process for anyone but for people that don't know where to start, its even worse. Follow me on my journey to and during university.

The final thing I want to add to this blog post is a YouTube video by a friend of mine, listing the things she has for university already. I sat watching this while eating my lunch today and thought it was a good idea for advice for budding uni students..

Check out her YouTube channel here for more videos.
Hope this helps!

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