Sunday 2 September 2012

Battle of the Doctors

Matt Smith vs David Tennant
Who will you choose?!
In all honesty, I'm a right geek when it comes to television. I watch all the American crime dramas such as: CSI, Criminal Minds (love it!) and Bones (love it more!!) - I can seriously become obsessed. Well, Doctor Who is truly my guilty pleasure in television. I used to be one of those that was pretty sceptical about it, thinking it was too masculine or too geeky, but look at me now ay? Writing up a full blog post on it (with videos)!
I've watched it since David Tennant arriving as the tenth doctor following Christopher Eccleston, but also watch some of Chistopher's episodes when back-tracking. I loved David Tennant as the doctor! I know that seems stupid to say when he was the first doctor I'd seen but he just had that way about him. He was serious but quirky all at the same time which made him all the more hilarious, and his little traits like his almost catchphrase "Allons-y!" was just what you characterised to be The Doctor. Well when it was announced that David Tennant was quitting the series and we'd have a new doctor, I like many others was kinda distraught and contemplating who this new doctor could be.. a female? a coloured doctor? Thinking of all the things that haven't been attempted before on Doctor Who.
In the last episodes with David Tennant 'The End of Time (Parts 1 and 2)', it was emotional, well I say it was emotional, I'm quite an easy person to think something tear-jerking as I've cried at Titanic, Armageddon, anything along those lines. Having each of David Tennant's sidekicks come back briefly in the last two episodes was monumental and seeing Martha, Captain Jack, Mickey and Donna again was a perfect end to the series. But once David Tennant morphed into Matt Smith (an unknown actor before) it was a shock, he was similar looking to David but not quite the same. Although what did make me giggle was when Matt was checking himself out and he was quite disappointed that he "still wasn't ginger" haha.
In the beginning, I was determined that Matt could not replace David at any cost but looking back on it now, I was judgemental very early because of my love for Tennant. One thing that is characteristic to Matt is his very significant catchphrase "Jeronimo!". I love the show Doctor Who so stayed an avid follower of the series and watched Matt's debut but deep down, still a little disappointed. However, after re-watching the series on 'Watch' on Sunday's, I become fond of him and can see why he is a good doctor. For one, he's younger than Tennant (he's 27 but acts as though he 16 haha) which is perfect for the target audience of children since Doctor Who's relaunch in 2005. Two, he has a lot less annoying attributes like Tennant's never-ending gasping and gaping in tricky situations (which the doctor is always in - its the whole point of the show).
Overall, each Doctor in the whole fifty (I think) years it has been airing has been loved and lost in time and each has understandable characteristics that make them a good doctor. I will never say any of the doctors were awful because the BBC are good at casting good doctors. But as Tennant was the doctor for 4 years, he's more well-known and loved. Lets just allow Matt to gain some more experience in the roll and he may well be up there with the best of them!
These videos are a treat for any Doctor Who fans, but also anyone who like orchestral music, enjoy!
Doctor Who + BBC Proms = Awesome!!

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